Monday, July 10, 2017

Mission Log - June 26, 2017 - T6, W6 - 3 Baptisms and Finding the Golden

Dear People that I love,

​This week, three of my dear friends were baptized and confirmed.  I couldn't be there for one of them, but I was there in spirit!

Nalleli, on the top, was baptized and her kids are excited to be baptized in the coming weeks!  Irma is a good friend of one of our members, Hermana Saenz, who's having a lot of troubles.  But despite having no money, poor health, and her husband, she decided to stay firm and 'couldn't be more content', in her own words.  Then Yese, (the little girl in white)'s mom and brother have reactivated to support her in her decision to be baptized.  Her older brother (far left) has been reading the Book of Mormon and is in 2 Nephi!!

It has been a crazy week.  First of all, I got a training call - my first reaction was sadness at having to leave Hermana Oliphant after just 6 short weeks!  She is seriously awesome and she's taught me a ton.  I'll miss her!  I am, however, excited to train this new missionary.  She's lucky - this area is a miracle area.  What a great place to start a mission!  I hope I can teach her enough so she can serve faithfully and really understand the importance of this work.

This week, we left a note on a car that said "congratulations" with our number, because the car said "Just Married" on the back.  We also found a new investigator named Juan who is SO PREPARED!  We've already had two lessons with him - he smokes, has been married 5 times, and really wants to change.  He told us, "Tengo hambre; tengo sed de ser mas cerca a Dios", which means, "I'm hungry and thirsty to be close to God."  We've committed him to read the Book of Mormon and pray morning and night; we've also committed him (or rather, he committed himself) to clean up his language.

It was interesting how we found him - we felt prompted to go knock on a house.  We followed the prompting and met his daughter, Leslie.  She didn't seem all that interested, but told us we could come back.  So we came back to find the wife, Lourdes.  She was a little more open, she committed to pray, but she's also very Catholic.  BUT she said we could come back.  So we did - and the third time, we found our golden investigator.  It's kind of like the Force: Kwi Gon Jin was sure that Anakin Skywalker was the One that would bring balance to the Force, but it was actually his son, Luke.  So he was close!  And we were close - we just had to keep trying to find the One who would be golden!

That's all for this week! Tune in next time for NMAM bites!

Love, Love, Love,
Hermana Smurthwaite

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