Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mission Log - January 17, 2017 - T3, W2 - Opposition precedes Agency precedes Growth

Hola, all!

This is Hermana Blow, my new companion! (She reminds me of Heather Petty) :)  I was sad to see Hna Martin leave, but Hna Blow certainly has made her mark here in el Paso!

Karen Diaz got her mission call!  The ward is very excited for her.  Her mom, the Beehive leader, asked us missionaries to come teach a lesson on missionary work in her class on Sunday. :)
 (her mom's the one wiping her eye)

All's well here.  The work continues, the Lord continues to show us patience, and we are blessed with many mighty miracles.

I was reading in 2 Nephi 2 this morning, when Lehi is talking to his son, Jacob.  He explains opposition - how in order to know good, we have to know bad.  It really made me think about how grateful I am for trials (yep, you read that right).  If we never had to have trials, we would never grow.  If we never grew, we could never become like our Father in Heaven.  Opposition precedes agency precedes growth.  I hope to continue to grow and learn as time goes on and as trials come.  I have hope that my older brother, Jesus Christ, will be beside me every step of the way.

I love you all,
Hermana Smurthwaite

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mission Log - January 9, 2017 - T3, W1 - Hard Work

Yes!!  Another transfer under the belt, and still in El Paso!  Hermana Martin's leaving, though! :(  Pretty sad about it.

This week has been interesting.  We see many little sun faces around El Paso, on doors, houses, and fences, but this one stood out:

His eyebrows seem to express, "The missionaries, huh?  We haven't seen missionaries around here for years.  Back in my day, young whippersnappers like yourselves would be gallivantin' off like some hooligans giving the town sheriff what-for..." in an old, raspy voice. :)

We also found that the Spirit of Christmas has persisted here in the Sun City:

:) Ah, festivities.

On a more serious note, this week has not been an easy one.  I have learned that, and I believe I will continue to learn it throughout my time here as the Lord's representative.

On Friday, our District Leader played a talk by Jeffery R. Holland called "Missionary Work and the Atonement".  One of the most powerful quotes that stood out to me was this one: "I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience.  Salvation never was easy.  We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head.  How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him?"

Search it, it's way more powerful when he says it.  But that is so true.  Our Savior is a hard worker.  Even after performing the Atonement - the single most hardest thing anyone had ever done or would ever have to do - He wasn't done.  Today, He works at the Head of this Church, giving guidance through revelation to the Prophet Thomas S. Monson and the other apostles.  He works closely with Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost, to bring people to the knowledge of the truth.  And by the "knowledge of the truth," I mean to a realization of "What do you even think you're doing?!  Get back on track!  Here is the path, don't walk on the grass!  Don't you know that God is your Father and He loves you?!  Can't you see how simple it is if we just do our part?!  Just Come unto Him!  That's all it takes!  It's not that hard!  JUST DO IT!!!!"

... and if you are struggling to do it, because you feel that you're not worthy, that it's not worth it, or that you could never live with the shame, know that that is Satan, tugging on your neck with his pathetic string of yarn!  He's the Father of all Yarns, anyways, isn't he?  Don't listen to him!  He literally is just trying to make you "miserable, like unto himself."  (2 Nephi 2:27)

I love you guys.  You are my family, my brothers and sisters.  God has a plan for each of you; it is called the Plan of Happiness, not the Plan to punish the Wicked.  True Joy, True Happiness, comes only in and through Jesus Christ.  Of this I testify.

I love you all sincerely,
Hermana Smurthwaite

Monday, January 9, 2017

Mission Log - January 3, 2017 - T2, W6 - Baptism and 1 Day Challenge


These are the Gay kids (pronounced "Guy").  Let me tell you a little bit about the Gay kids:

Jose Gay, 13.  He's the one with the huge smile on his face.  The whole time I've known him, he's been so excited to learn the Gospel - the very first lesson we had, we taught the Restoration.  In Spanish, Joseph Smith is Jose Smith.  We watched the Restoration video with them and testified that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.  A 14-yr old boy named Jose - Jose Gay could definitely relate.  We extended the baptismal invitation-

    "Will you be baptized on--"
    "YES!" was his shouted reply.

All throughout the lessons, he's been attentive - quieting his little brother and sister, telling them, "Shh! I want to learn the Gospel!"  He came out of the Baptismal interview with tears of joy in his eyes - he was shining as he came up out of the water.

Jackelin Gay, 10.  She's the one sitting on her mother's lap.  She was quite timid the first time we met her - but as we've been teaching her, her little personality has blossomed before our view.  She was scared of the water - indeed, as she came to the font, she was crying.  Her main fear was that the water would be cold- to help combat this my compañera and I carried 6 pots of boiling hot water across the church and poured them into the font.  There was a baptism at 4:00, right before, so we didn't have time to drain and re-fill the font.  Despite her fears, she was immersed completely and came out clean.

Joshua Gay, 8.  Don't let that innocent little face fool you - he's a little rascal! :)  He is very fun-loving, and a very funny kid.  However, as we taught him, he began to take what we were saying seriously.  He was subdued the day of the interview - but he came bounding out his usual joyful self.

Their father's not a member, their mother is - as they continue in the faith, as they continue reading, praying, and coming to church as a family, they will be blessed.  Jose will be a Nephi for his family.  I am so grateful I got to be a part of this, the first step on their path to Eternal Life.

With all my love,
Hermana Smurthwaite

P.S. So crazy story - the chain we typically use to pull up the plug BROKE, so my compañera had to reach in shoulder-deep to drain the font.  I was impressed with her hanger-maneuvering skills! :)

(second email)

...Also, this New Years, our mission President challenged us to read the entire BoM in 1 day!
"Alright, President! Great Idea!"  It takes 16 hours, if you read 35 pages an hour.  "No problem!"

I forgot to take actual pictures, but this is what I looked like yesterday.)

Highlight every time you see a name or reference to Jesus Christ.  (Will email those out next week) and use a different color for the Atonement.

"Sure thing, president! Here you go!"

...it was EXHAUSTING.  This is how I felt when 10:30 rolled around:

​...and I only made it to 3rd Nephi! :(

But I challenge everyone to it!  Set aside a day, and go for it!  Then you can say to anyone you challenge to read the Book of Mormon, "I read the whole thing in one day!  You can surely read a chapter before you go to bed!"

Love and prayers,
Hermana Smurthwaite

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mission Log - December 27, 2016 - T2, W4 - Christmas in El Paso!

Yes, Christmas! Or, more accurately, Christ MAS. It has been beautiful here in El Paso.

We met a man in the street and invited him to hear the message of the Restored Gospel.  He declined, then proceeded to climb his orange tree and give us fresh oranges!  They were delicious.  It just goes to show that--

We interrupt this regularly scheduled email to bring you this tidbit:

This week, on "So you think you're festive?," we have a surprise competitor who may just take the cake!  44-year old Hermana Fernandez.  Hermana is a fierce decorator - 

[warning: extreme festive images. viewer enjoyment is evident.]

...but she also remembers the reason for the season! 

Here she is, pictured with her "Kris-Kringle 1995 edition" fire-place.
Call now, to vote Hermana Fernandez for this year's Tinsel Queen!!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Mission Log:

...so that happened. :)  It was crazy!!  Check out her nativities, though - you can also see other stages of Christ's life. 

This week, we also learned to make Tamales.  It's a beloved Christmas tradition here in the Mexican culture-

...it's also a LOT of work!! :)  How blessed we were to have the opportunity to serve others! 

I had the opportunity to Skype my heroes, my favorite people in the world, my family.  I love them so so much - talking to them gave me motivation to baptize the World!  I want every family to be as happy as mine is, and I know that the source of that happiness is that our family is built on the teachings and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  What a beautiful reminder that was!

Oh, so much happened this week!  I could write a book (I am writing one, actually) about the miracles that happen every day here in El Paso. 

Happy to be here, continuing the work!

Love you all, and join in next week, for more Mission Log!
Love, Hermana Smurthwaite

(Second one)
Christmas Blessings!  So many!  Hearing from you guys, for one; sorry I had to cut you off - I should of told you how much time we had at the beginning! :(  That was my bad.
We taught many lessons about Christmas.  People were much more receptive to us all throughout this month. 

I'm buckling in for the frigidity of the end of the Christmas Season.  Really, the daylight is lasting longer, so we'll be able to contact more at 6 and 7.

I'm sorry my letter isn't as long this week - my brain is scattered and fried, boiled and basted in leftover Christmasness.  But I'm reeling it back in - hopefully by next week I'll make more sense.  I love you guys so much! 

For now, pictures!

'Twas the Season for festive footwear. :)

Christmas morning- ready to go!

Love and apologies for how short it is!

Hermana Marie Smurthwaite

Monday, January 2, 2017

Mission Log - December 19, 2016 - T2, W3 - Christmas Packages, Treats, and Living Christmas Cards!

(Several arrived today)

(First one)
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for your package!!!  It was a complete surprise and I love it!

I went ahead and put your presents under the tree:

​It's a whopper, but we managed to chop it down and haul it in. :)

Here's me giving you a thank-you hug through a picture!
Thank you!! I love you guys!!

Love, Hermana Smurthwaite

(Second one)

Thank you thank you for the package!!!

MWA HA HA HA!!!  (that's me laughing maniacally over the Christmas feast)

Truly awesome visual, thanks!!!

Here's my thank you hug!!
also, see attached Christmas message!

​Love you guys so much!

(Third one)
Some days, you knock on ten doors in a row, and each one ends up slammed in your face.  Other days . . .

They invite you right in, show you their piñatas, and send you on your way with Middle-eastern candy!

Welcome to El Paso!

It's been an AWESOME week!!!

On Tuesday, we had EXCHANGES (Duh duh duh!!!) :)  That's when one of your STL's, your Sister Training Leaders, switches places with your companion to evaluate your performance as a missionary and give helpful advice on how to be more effective.  It went well; Sister Acton's a sweetheart.  A sweetheart who speaks NOT ONE LICK of Spanish!!
AAAA!!  No, it was fine.  She actually contributed a lot - she bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon while I translated for her.  The sister we were visiting, Hermana Chavira, kept saying, "What a beautiful testimony! I don't think I've ever heard a more beautiful testimony! I wish my little daughter had a testimony as beautiful as that!" :)  Glad my cave-man-like translations were able to help Sister Acton touch her heart!

We've had many member referrals this week, thanks to a little stroke of genius (actually inspiration) called the Living Christmas Card!

So the Living Christmas Card is like sending your friends a singing telegram, except it's the missionaries!  We sing a carol, ask to come in, read Luke 2, testify, invite them to church on Christmas (perfect this year), pray over their home, sing again, and leave.  It's super awesome!

We were actually visiting some members we thought were less-active (turns out we just didn't recognize their names on the ward list).  We came in and began to talk about missionary work.  They told us of neighbors and friends they were working with.  We asked, "Is there anyone that you would like to bring into your home and have them receive the missionary lessons?"
"No, no; that's alright. We'll let you know if they're interested."
We then explained the LCC.
"Oh, yeah! Yeah, absolutely - there's Laura, and then that Family across the street - the dad used to be a police officer, but he's a teacher now.  Yeah!  Here, let us give you a personal note to deliver to them!" :)  Awesome.

So much awesomeness, so little time - I love you guys so much and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Love, Love,
Hermana Smurthwaite

(Fourth and final one)

​(attempt 1 with the goodies- that shoulder was at a weird angle)

Have I told you the legend of the traveling vest?  Here's the vest!

Here we see the hair blocking the face...

And here, the Tag! :/

The reason I flat-ironed it is to really get a feel for the length:

​. . . before we go get a trim!  Expect more pics next week. :) 

Love you!
Hna S