Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mission Log - December 27, 2016 - T2, W4 - Christmas in El Paso!

Yes, Christmas! Or, more accurately, Christ MAS. It has been beautiful here in El Paso.

We met a man in the street and invited him to hear the message of the Restored Gospel.  He declined, then proceeded to climb his orange tree and give us fresh oranges!  They were delicious.  It just goes to show that--

We interrupt this regularly scheduled email to bring you this tidbit:

This week, on "So you think you're festive?," we have a surprise competitor who may just take the cake!  44-year old Hermana Fernandez.  Hermana is a fierce decorator - 

[warning: extreme festive images. viewer enjoyment is evident.]

...but she also remembers the reason for the season! 

Here she is, pictured with her "Kris-Kringle 1995 edition" fire-place.
Call now, to vote Hermana Fernandez for this year's Tinsel Queen!!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Mission Log:

...so that happened. :)  It was crazy!!  Check out her nativities, though - you can also see other stages of Christ's life. 

This week, we also learned to make Tamales.  It's a beloved Christmas tradition here in the Mexican culture-

...it's also a LOT of work!! :)  How blessed we were to have the opportunity to serve others! 

I had the opportunity to Skype my heroes, my favorite people in the world, my family.  I love them so so much - talking to them gave me motivation to baptize the World!  I want every family to be as happy as mine is, and I know that the source of that happiness is that our family is built on the teachings and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  What a beautiful reminder that was!

Oh, so much happened this week!  I could write a book (I am writing one, actually) about the miracles that happen every day here in El Paso. 

Happy to be here, continuing the work!

Love you all, and join in next week, for more Mission Log!
Love, Hermana Smurthwaite

(Second one)
Christmas Blessings!  So many!  Hearing from you guys, for one; sorry I had to cut you off - I should of told you how much time we had at the beginning! :(  That was my bad.
We taught many lessons about Christmas.  People were much more receptive to us all throughout this month. 

I'm buckling in for the frigidity of the end of the Christmas Season.  Really, the daylight is lasting longer, so we'll be able to contact more at 6 and 7.

I'm sorry my letter isn't as long this week - my brain is scattered and fried, boiled and basted in leftover Christmasness.  But I'm reeling it back in - hopefully by next week I'll make more sense.  I love you guys so much! 

For now, pictures!

'Twas the Season for festive footwear. :)

Christmas morning- ready to go!

Love and apologies for how short it is!

Hermana Marie Smurthwaite

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