Monday, January 2, 2017

Mission Log - December 19, 2016 - T2, W3 - Christmas Packages, Treats, and Living Christmas Cards!

(Several arrived today)

(First one)
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for your package!!!  It was a complete surprise and I love it!

I went ahead and put your presents under the tree:

​It's a whopper, but we managed to chop it down and haul it in. :)

Here's me giving you a thank-you hug through a picture!
Thank you!! I love you guys!!

Love, Hermana Smurthwaite

(Second one)

Thank you thank you for the package!!!

MWA HA HA HA!!!  (that's me laughing maniacally over the Christmas feast)

Truly awesome visual, thanks!!!

Here's my thank you hug!!
also, see attached Christmas message!

​Love you guys so much!

(Third one)
Some days, you knock on ten doors in a row, and each one ends up slammed in your face.  Other days . . .

They invite you right in, show you their piñatas, and send you on your way with Middle-eastern candy!

Welcome to El Paso!

It's been an AWESOME week!!!

On Tuesday, we had EXCHANGES (Duh duh duh!!!) :)  That's when one of your STL's, your Sister Training Leaders, switches places with your companion to evaluate your performance as a missionary and give helpful advice on how to be more effective.  It went well; Sister Acton's a sweetheart.  A sweetheart who speaks NOT ONE LICK of Spanish!!
AAAA!!  No, it was fine.  She actually contributed a lot - she bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon while I translated for her.  The sister we were visiting, Hermana Chavira, kept saying, "What a beautiful testimony! I don't think I've ever heard a more beautiful testimony! I wish my little daughter had a testimony as beautiful as that!" :)  Glad my cave-man-like translations were able to help Sister Acton touch her heart!

We've had many member referrals this week, thanks to a little stroke of genius (actually inspiration) called the Living Christmas Card!

So the Living Christmas Card is like sending your friends a singing telegram, except it's the missionaries!  We sing a carol, ask to come in, read Luke 2, testify, invite them to church on Christmas (perfect this year), pray over their home, sing again, and leave.  It's super awesome!

We were actually visiting some members we thought were less-active (turns out we just didn't recognize their names on the ward list).  We came in and began to talk about missionary work.  They told us of neighbors and friends they were working with.  We asked, "Is there anyone that you would like to bring into your home and have them receive the missionary lessons?"
"No, no; that's alright. We'll let you know if they're interested."
We then explained the LCC.
"Oh, yeah! Yeah, absolutely - there's Laura, and then that Family across the street - the dad used to be a police officer, but he's a teacher now.  Yeah!  Here, let us give you a personal note to deliver to them!" :)  Awesome.

So much awesomeness, so little time - I love you guys so much and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Love, Love,
Hermana Smurthwaite

(Fourth and final one)

​(attempt 1 with the goodies- that shoulder was at a weird angle)

Have I told you the legend of the traveling vest?  Here's the vest!

Here we see the hair blocking the face...

And here, the Tag! :/

The reason I flat-ironed it is to really get a feel for the length:

​. . . before we go get a trim!  Expect more pics next week. :) 

Love you!
Hna S

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