Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Mission Log - October 5, 2016 - Pics from the CCM

Dear Loved Ones,

My Compañera let me borrow her camera, so:

Here's a snapshot of the performance we saw on the Grito de Independencia.

Here's me and Hermana Loescher, taken this morning, actually.

Here's a pic from the big city (Mexico City - Distrito Federal).

Here is me and Hermanas Karren, Leavitt, and Loescher, takin' a pic.

Here's me and Hermana Loescher, in our room.

Here's us in front of our house.

So here's a true story: One day, while we were waiting to go to dinner I drew everyone in our district, by request of everyone in my district. (Leavitt, Karren, Bohn, Carrizales, Me, Loescher, Ficklin Schaefer, Anderson, Petersen, Slaugh, and Nielsen).

Here's all the Hermanas in our Distrito: Me, Hermanas Loescher, Leavitt, Karren, Petersen, and Anderson.

Here's some fine, upstanding Elders in our District.  Legs of the church, right there. (Carrizales, Bohn and Nielsen).

Here we are, pictured with Hermanas Keller on the left and Art on the right, from District 8A.

Here's lunch and dinner pretty much every single day - except Tuesday, Pizza Night.

And here are Elders Nielsen and Slaugh, being goofy.  Elder Slaugh is our District Leader.

Here's our District when we visited the Temple.  From Left to Right: H Anderson, H Karren, E Nielsen, H Petersen, E Slaugh, H Loescher, E Bohn, H Leavitt, E Ficklin, Me, E Schaefer, E Carrizales

Mi Compañera, looking cute in the rain.

Some real Mexican goodies.

Here's us on Temple Day!

Us on the bus (on Temple Day).

Here's Elders Schaefer and Ficklin.

And that is all she wrote for today!

So there y'all are!

Hermana Smurthwaite

1 comment:

  1. I totally had to smile at these darling pictures! It's fun to see Marie's different hair styles...I loved her artwork, it's all awesome!
